Info for Parents
Please find items on the left, we update the site regularly with our Newsletter, term topics, featured events.
Please remember, in a case of bad weather all closures would be announced on Radio Kent under Istead Rise Primary School. If the school is closed then Kiddiecare is closed.
The early year foundation stage
Prime Areas Of learning
PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional development): At Kiddiecare we provide children with positive experiences and environment. We also encourage confidence, independence and support the children to gain good social skills and respect for each other.
PD (Physical development): With our large garden and wide range of equipments and resources we give children the opportunity to explore the outdoor environment and to encourage co-ordination and movement. We also teach children the importance of exercise and healthy eating
CL: (Communication and language)All children are encouraged to develop their language, communication and listening skills. Children are supported by their key worker and the Ecat co-ordinator.
Specific Areas Of learning
Mathematics: Children have the opportunity to problem solve and explore numeracy.
Literacy: The children enjoy a jolly phonics session every morning focussing on 4 letters a week, with encouragement to link letters and sounds. we have a wide selection of reading material and mark making equipments.
Understanding The World: The children are offered opportunities in this area to develop their knowledge, skills, and understanding of the world. We support the children when exploring creatures, plants and their natural environment and to notice changes in the environment. The children have the opportunity to explore I.T. using the computers, I.T. toys and equipments.
Expressive Arts And Designs: In this area the children are given a wide opportunity to express themselves and explore their creativity to imaginative role play activities. They can explore their creativity though music, musical moments, art and craft.