Legally a child can only be admitted into the nursery after their 2nd birthday (spaces permitting). We are legally registered to have 25 children between the ages of 2-5 years in any one session.
We have a policy of a minimum of two, 3 hour sessions per week as we feel this is beneficial to the settling in process. We offer each child the opportunity to stay with us, with or without their parents, on 2 separate visits before they join us. This allows us to ascertain whether they are ready for the nursery environment and also gives the opportunity for the child to have a smoother entry into Kiddiecare.
We are very happy to carry out home visits before your child is due to attend Kiddiecare. Please notify us on the registration form if you would like us to visit your home.
Application for a place at the nursery should be made using the registration form at the end of this folder.