Children arrive with their parent/carers, their names are entered onto the register. A personal hook and name peg is allocated for children and is accessible to children on arrival to hang up their coats and personal belongings. Packed lunches are stored in the kitchen, please ensure to provide an ice pack to keep your child’s lunch chilled. Children’s name cards are available for them to place onto a ‘wall pocket’. Children are then encouraged to make choices of free play in the nursery, until everyone due that session arrives. Calendar and discussion time then takes place. Opportunities for the children to bring along and talk about a personal object from home which is linked to our theme topic and discussions/songs take place.
Children then link up with their key person to plan their play with their key person. Children can choose where to play and what they would like to do within free play choice. After which time the children then group together with their key person where some of that time will be adult initiative and activities are carefully planned to meet individual targets and group needs.
Before the children move onto other activities they are encouraged to tidy away so that other children have an opportunity to play and access the materials..
During the morning session there is a ‘snack time’. We deliver this activity in the form of a cafe style, where the children are encouraged to select from a variety of healthy options. At times we encourage the children to use our real money to pay for them.
Early health awareness, literacy and numeracy skills are encouraged.
Children are encouraged to select and prepare their snacks and drink to encourage independence.
‘Story time’ usually occurs at the end of the session. Parents are always welcome to participate in this activity on a rota basis