Daily Routine
Whilst majority of the session is free play, there will be is an opportunity where the group all meet together for news time and sharing, the children will then go to their key person group where they discuss what is available on the day as specific activities are provided around the children’s current interest. The key person provides activities of interest for the children and specific opportunities to extend their learning. Each group will carry out a Plan Do Review ( PDR ) session where they discuss what they would like to do and later in the session the key person meets again with the group to so all can share their experiences.
Along with focused activities planned for the children’s specific needs there is an opportunity for each session where the children will join in for Phonics Phase 1 stage to support the children with literacy and communication.
A visual timetable is displayed on the wall by the lobby area.
The routine gives each child an opportunity to work individually, with friends, in large and small groups.
Each child is allocated to a group with a ‘key person’.
This helps many children to settle more quickly and develop confidence and friendships.