Layout of the nursery
The nursery is divided into 3 learning rooms. Each room has different activities and materials to provide opportunities for children to explore, engage and extend their interest. Children will be provided with opportunities during the session to freely choose and engage in a variety of play and learning activities indoors and outdoors.
Craft & Messy Room
The craft room has a selection of activities that introduce the children to new techniques, using simple tools and encouraging them to explore using their senses. A wide choice of materials are available such as paint, glue, scissors, scrap materials, junk etc.
‘Sand/water/rice’ play offer opportunities to explore early science activities.
‘Dough’ table gives the opportunity to manipulate and explore other tactile materials.
‘Craft’ table provides a wide range of opportunities, including skills for early literacy and has a range of paper, card, envelopes for writing messages and letters as well as hole punches, stapler, paper clips etc.
Aprons are available for all the messy activities and the children are encouraged to select and put them on without being instructed.
We have a work bench and a variety of real ‘wood work’ tools where the children can manipulate work and craft models to design their own creations.
We have various table top games and activities to encourage social skills and various skills on cognitive development and problem solving.
The children have a personal name tray where they can then place completed pieces of work in them, or personal objects and nursery letters ready to take home.
Quiet Room
This is designed for quieter activities, encouraging concentration and co-operation.
Time is allocated daily for structured literacy activities. We use the Jolly phonics system incorporating music, rhyme and alliteration.
Most activities available to the children in this room are educationally based: letter and number puzzles, games, scales, sorting and matching toys, 2D and 3D shape sorters, colour recognition and positional games, threading, a variety of pens, pencils and crayons to develop drawing and writing skills, glue, tape and scissors..
A range of books are always available including those to support current themes, there are opportunities within the routine for the children to sit in our special story chair and become the story teller. We have many story books with puppets so that the children may take on various characters and act out the stories.
The ‘cozy area’ encourages early literacy and imaginative skills. There is a CD player and headphones available that encourage ICT skills. There is an area to explore problem solving, reasoning and numeracy.
The computer has a few simple programs, which help develop specific skills-early maths, literacy etc. The children also have access to CD players, photocopier, printers and digital cameras
Home, Role Play & Construction Room
This room is designed to develop social, imaginative and creative skills.
The ‘ role play’ gives children the opportunity to act out things they see every day e.g. making the dinner using a variety of real foods, doing the shopping. From time to time this area may have different themes such as the hairdressers, café, post office, travel agents which are taken from the child’s particular interests.
There are a selection of construction toys and dressing up clothes for imaginative play opportunities.
Other materials include cars, trains, dolls, play house, tent and a variety of small world equipment.
We also have a Block area for children to explore natural wood material to develop problem solving and creativity.
Children have a coat peg where they can store their personal belongings and clothing.
This area is used for a wide variety of experiences including developing gross motor skills. Activities include: running, riding bikes, climbing, throwing and catching skills, imaginative play, a large sand pit to explore concepts of wet/dry and full/empty, imaginative games and science activities. We try to bring the ‘inside out’.
We aim to use the garden on a daily bases, having fun with windmills and umbrellas.
Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriate for outdoor play as we use the garden in all weather. We also suggest that you provide a pair of Wellie boots for your child.
We provide waterproof light weight Jacket and Trouser for the children. You will need to provide Wellies and always ensure that your children are dressed in suitable clothing.